Fortnite Save the World Disabled After Player Storage Erased

Epic's 14 Days of Fortnite holiday plans are having a rough start, with the developer forced to disable Fornite Save the World due to a major issue stemming from the v7.10 patch released Tuesday morning. The main issue is reported to be that Save the World players who participated win the Frostnite special event have had their entire Stormshield Storage erased.

The reason for the drastic actions on Epic Games' part was due to worries that there were broader data loss issues, or that the data loss would prove to be severe. So, Fortnite Save the World is down for the time being in order to find out how to recover players' lost storage. Now it's just a matter of time before storage is restored and the servers are brought back up.

Since Fortnite Save the World was disabled Tuesday morning, several hours ago now, Epic has offered an update. As seen in its statement below, the developer has been able to confirm that there is no data loss beyond the Frostnite bug:

"We are currently confirming that there is no other source of data loss and are going to disable the Frostnite event and re-enable Save the World after we are confident."

Following that up, Epic confirmed that there is a backup for Fortnite Save the World storage. Epic plans to roll back the Stormshield Storage for effected players, specifically those who participated in the Frostnite event, to this backup. The time this backup was created was at 12:30 am ET late last night. As such, any players that may have been up well past midnight and then played the Frostnite event this morning may lose some storage.

While Epic has no current estimate as to when it will have the fixes ready to go, and cannot say when the Fortnite Save the World servers will be back up, it promises that the team is hard at work. It's only a matter of time before players can jump back in. However, when servers do come back up, it can likely be expected that Frostnite will be disabled while Epic shifts from fixing the consequences of the problem to fixing the problem itself.

Fortnite is available now on Android, iOS, PC, PlayStation 4, Switch, and Xbox One.

Source: Fortnite – Twitter

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